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We have been entrusted with the mandate to lead women to the heart of God in a beautiful environment for them to connect to their Father as His daughters. 

We know that we are Loved, we know that we are Chosen, and that we are His Masterpiece, Crowned with Wisdom - shining His Radiant light to the world and living with a Brave spirit to please our Father. And so we are so expectant for all that God has for us in this next chapter of Daughters. 

A community of women whose identity is found in being a daughter of God.

Come for a purposed night out where you can experience all that God has called you to be. Be equipped with a great word and enjoy all the fun at the after party with delicious food, Daughters Boutique, and connect with new friends.

View our previous messages on our Daughters YouTube Channel
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Daughters Outreach

She is known by her extravagant generosity to the poor, for she always reaches out her hands to those in need. Proverbs 31:20 (TPT)


As God’s Daughters, it is our heart to love like the Father. Through our outreach initiatives, we are able to be generous to those in need, so each year, we launch an initiative that would make a tangible difference to those in need. We consider it a privilege and love partnering together to make an impact.

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